The return of The Dylan Maples Adventures, updated and with new covers. The Mystery of Ireland’s Eye kicks off the series with 13-year-old Dylan heading out on a kayaking trip to Newfoundland with his “parental units,” only to meet a strange old man on the docks at Argentia who whispers into his ear: “Do not go to Ireland’s Eye!” There isn’t supposed to be anyone on this mysterious island, its main village long since turned into a ghost town. But when Dylan and his parents get there …
Dylan Maples Adventures
In The Mystery of Ireland’s Eye (1999), eleven-year-old Dylan Maples visits Newfoundland on an ocean kayaking trip with his parents. There, they discover a ghost town on a distant island. But is it really deserted? And why did the scary man at the dock whisper in his ear: “Do not go to Ireland’s Eye!” Nominated for five national book awards.
The Secret of the Silver Mines (2000). Dylan Maples finds himself in little Cobalt in northern Ontario, where his father is seeking the silver cache that was stolen from one of the area’s now-abandoned mines … ninety years ago. What does the bizarre old man in the haunted house in the dying town know about it? Dylan and his new friend Wynona Dixon break in … and find out.
Bone Beds of the Badlands (2001). In the scariest book in the series, Dylan and three friends win a science fair competition and are awarded a trip to a renowned dinosaur museum in Drumheller, Alberta. But soon their adventure turns terrifying. Lost in Dinosaur Provincial Park, they are pursued by a man on the run from the RCMP, a 7-foot murderer known as “the Reptile.”
Monster in the Mountains (2003). On vacation in Sasquatch Provincial Park in British Columbia, Dylan meets the family’s black sheep: his great uncle, and former high-wire walker, Walter Middy. Dylan and his rebellious new friend Alice Carr learn about Uncle Walter’s dark past, then suspect he has seen a sasquatch, the monster of the BC forests. Before long, they are on its trail.
Phantom of Fire (2019). In the first Dylan Maples Adventure in sixteen years, a troubled Dylan, now in high school and missing a dear friend who died in a car accident, goes to New Brunswick with his parents to get away from it all. There, he encounters a fascinating girl named Antonine, the legend of the burning ghost ship of the Bay de Chaleur, and a full-of-himself politician, all connected by a terrible night out on the water long ago.